VillageOffice Windisch Kunzwerk

Dorfstrasse 69, Windisch, Switzerland +41 76 418 50 58

VillageOffice Windisch Kunzwerk
Flexible terms and conditions
Free cancellation
Pay per seat

Welcome to VillageOffice - Kunzareal!

My name is Emilie and I am your host.

Our moto is simple: Work where you live. 

We are a network of co-working spaces across Switzerland, dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions, strengthening local communities, and ensuring that they are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Join the VillageOffice family, and you will always have a quiet place to work close to home, where you can connect with others to exchange ideas and be inspired.

We are open Monday-Friday from 7am - 7pm.

To find out more, visit us online at (QR Code), or send me an email so we can grab a cup of coffee together and get to know each other. I can tell you more about the space and how to become a part of the family.

Address information

Dorfstrasse 69

Phone: +41 76 418 50 58


What are you looking for?
Open for meetingspaces
* There may be options on the days that we are closed for meetingspaces. Feel free to contact us.
Open for workspaces

Meeting and coworking in Windisch