
Martinique House , Bordon, Hampshire, United Kingdom 01420 556335

Flexible terms and conditions
Free cancellation
Pay per seat

SiGNAL is a totally free working space designed to develop and nurture a local community of business owners. We have lots of desks, kitchen facilities, breakout spaces and of course our super swish meeting spaces upstairs. But much more than that - we have a great group of people working to build a business just like you are. 

At SiGNAL we aim to put every business owner that joins us at the heart of a thriving local and global business community. We are partnered with the local Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company and also with Dutch co-working company Seats2Meet. So anyone who spends time with us will be connected to important channels both locally and globally.  It matters who you know in business. Some might say it is the most important thing of all. So make it a priority to come and visit our space and use our desks but most importantly make it a priority to come and meet the other people here. 

Address information

Martinique House
Bordon, Hampshire
United Kingdom

Phone: 01420 556335

Original Workspaces Ltd.

What are you looking for?
Open for meetingspaces
* There may be options on the days that we are closed for meetingspaces. Feel free to contact us.
Open for workspaces

Meeting and coworking in Bordon, Hampshire